A Permanent Shadow från Barcelona cirkulerar kring frontmannen CP Fletcher. I övrigt består bandet av Albert Català och Valentí Nieto men CP Fletcher omger sig gärna av många olika musiker och producenter för att utveckla bandets speciella sound. Man startade som ett mer rakt rockband men har blivit allt mer svårdefinierat, men det är förstås fint med band som verkligen visar att de vill utvecklas och som visar en nyfikenhet inför att prova något nytt. Den senaste singeln heter Number one fan och behandlar en destruktiv relation. Soundet är melankoliskt och elektroniskt med en refräng som fastnar direkt! Idag gästar CP Fletcher bloggen för att dela med sig av ett musikminne kopplat till David Bowie!
When the man announced he would be touring the better part of 1987 after four years off the road, the excitement was enormous. My fellow Bowie fan sister and I got tickets for the show on July 1 at Prater Stadion in Vienna, Austria (where my family resided), and in the weeks before the show, anticipation would build to an almost unbearable extent. Come the day of the concert, and you’d find me by the gates as early as 10:30 in the morning. It was probably the hottest day of the year, and my skinny 14-year-old self struggled not to faint until the doors finally opened at 17:00. From then on, another two hours to go until the forgettable local support act and another two until Bowie’s grand entrance.
And suddenly there he was, abseiling from the stage top - remember, the tour was called Glass Spider for a reason, with the stage resembling a giant spider - and I couldn’t hold back the tears. There he finally was, the man I had been idolizing since I was 10, live on stage right in front of me. He looked a bit ludicrous in the red suit and this awful mullet-cum-quiff haircut, but who cares! It was Bowie for Christ’s sake! I remember I managed to recompose myself after the first thrust of emotions, but tears would roll again during highlights such as All The Madmen, Heroes and Absolute Beginners. I vividly remember so many details from this show it’s ridiculous. Though it’s fair to say the album Never Let Me Down and the Glass Spider Tour were not Bowie’s most glorious moments, I’ll forever cherish the memories of that night.
I would see Bowie many more times and in much better artistic shape. The Sound+Vision greatest hits tour, Tin Machine - yes, I really love this band - Outside and Earthling tours in the 90s, Heathen and Reality tours in the 00s… Bowie always put his heart into the performance, whether it was in a small club or in a huge stadium. Of course, the most Bowie-related tears I shed was on January 10, 2016, when he unexpectedly shuffled off this mortal coil. The memories of our first in-person encounter on July 1, 1987 remain.
/ CP Fletcher, A Permanent Shadow
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