Duon Karmic Neigborhood består av Armand Ruby och Julian Colbeck. På senaste singeln I learned to forgive gästas de av den fantastiska jazz-sångerskan Tammi Brown. Singeln är hämtad från duons kommande film, Equinox the Musical. Det fulla soundtracket släpps i september i år. Armand, en deltidsmusiker och forskare från USA, och Julian, en brittisk musiker och producent, möttes och upptäckte att de delade både kärleken till musiken och liknande livserfarenheter. Singlarna som släppts visar på en imponerande bredd och det ska bli spännande att få ta del av slutresultatet i september. Idag gästar Armand Ruby bloggen för att dela med sig av ett musikminne!
My wife and I went to see them play at Jorgensen Auditorium at University of Connecticut (USA).
As expected, the concert was amazing - one of the best I've ever seen in a long list of great shows.
But we didn't have great seats; we were near the top of the auditorium, and it became rather warm up there.
My wife, who was pregnant with our first child, was struggling to stay awake, and at some point just gave it up and went to sleep on my shoulder.
When the concert ended and she woke up, I told her she'd missed a great show.
But that child, our daughter Claire, grew to be talented musically, as a pianist and singer, having been infused in the womb with the gorgeous music of that fabulous duet performance by two of the greatest jazz performers of our time.
/ Armand Ruby, Karmic Neighborhood
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