Bryony Dunn är en brittisk artist som nyligen släppt singeln Purified. En låt som tar med en på en inre resa. Men en vacker röst och ett drömskt arrangemang når låten verkligen ens själ. Jag gillade även tidigare singeln Spring in the city men medan den var mer utåtriktad riktar sig denna som sagt mer inåt och känns än mer nära. En fantastisk låt som bär på lite samma känsla som tidigare Swimsuit reality. Samma atmosfär och minst lika vackert även om Purified är än mer intensiv. Bryony berättar själv om singeln att vi alla behöver släppa på mörkret vi bär på genom att dansa nätterna igenom, genom att simma i en kall flod med ens vänner och genom att sitta på ett köksgolv och prata sent om kvällarna. Jag förstår henne, då bär vi till slut något ljusare och tillvaron blir lättare. Bryony debuterade redan 2017 med den svängiga singeln Golden girl och i början av augusti släpps den nya EP:n Spring in the city. Idag gästar hon bloggen för att dela med sig av olika musikminnen!
So many memories flood the senses when I tap into it. Music has such a powerful hold on me as a memory device.
I have a terrible memory for most things, but music digs right in and clings on to everything.
The piano version of Forever & Always by Taylor Swift takes me back to being 13 and listening to music on Youtube whilst doing homework and thinking I was heartbroken about a bizarre little crush I had at school. Bad Blood by Bastille takes me back to the first festival I went to with my friends, a tiny little festival where Bastille had been booked before Pompeii went massive, but still played the festival bless their hearts, that was the era of side fringe and split side tops paired with a little bandeau beneath. Genesis I Can't Dance always reminds me of dancing around the dining table with my siblings on a dark and cozy winter evening after a Sunday roast. Certain musical theatre songs, like Agony from Into The Woods take me back to being backstage before a school show and messing about to the highest extent. It's such a buzzy feeling, being offstage as a show is taking place, or before when everyone is doing their hair and makeup in the school gym changing rooms.
One key memory is watching Fenne Lily at Latitude, straight out of lockdown. It was a point when the festival was going to be a 'trial' to see whether events could be run safely during Covid, but it ended up being the weekend everyone was free and the isolation was lifted. Fenne was the first act I watched that weekend that I was properly a massive fan of, it was the Saturday and I was exhausted already. The tent wasn't busy and I was so near the front, when she played Hypochondriac, I just burst into tears. A wash of my love of music, my dream to be playing a gorgeous festival tent surrounded by trees on a beautiful balmy sunny day, the release of the craziness of lockdown being over and being surrounded by people just overwhelmed me. It was a gorgeous feeling. Still hoping to play Latitude one day!
Another that sticks out is playing my single Spring in the city for the first time on a huge stage this summer, at One Spring Afternoon festival in Guildford, run by the legend that is Gavin Thomas. We got to the festival early and found the stage backed on a lake surrounded with willow trees and filled with all sorts of baby water birds, like coots, moor hens and swans. We relaxed in the sun watching the other acts and made some daisy jewellery (Crown, bracelets, necklace) and wore them onstage. It was such a lovely stage and I got to dance around and sing my new song living out my pop princess x Woodstock dream. Hopefully I'll get more moments like that in the future!
/ Bryony Dunn
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