måndag 12 februari 2024

Musikminne från Corey Robbins

Foto: Press

Amerikanska artisten Corey Robbins gör finstämd och vacker countrypop färgad av 50- och 60-talspop med stråk av rockabilly. Senaste singeln heter The last light och kom i november förra året. Låten har en melodi som gjord för dansande ben och det är Coreys bästa släpp hittills. Idag gästar han bloggen med ett musikminne kopplat till Metallica. 

Like many of us who are fans of music, I have a great many memories from shows over the years. 

I would have to say that of all the shows, one of the most memorable was on August 16, 1989 at a Metallica concert. 

I was nine years old, and already a Metallica fan. The show was at a venue called Starwood Ampitheatre. It was an outdoor venue with a shed covering half of the crowd with the rest of the crowd on the hillside lawn. 

My dad took me and a friend to the show, and we were pretty close to the front. It was so loud and full of energy that I was completely blown away. It was the And Justice For All Tour. 

Of course the show was sold out, and it was electric. What I recall most vividly was watching the strobing lights and the crowd headbanging. It was amazing.

As a nine year old who was just getting into music, this began the journey. I grew up in a musical household. My dad is a musician who lived in Nashville and did country music. So this wasn't exactly his style. But he could see that I was into it and wanted to take me. 

From this point on, I began to play and write my own songs which has led me to where I am today.

/ Corey Robbins 

Lyssna på The last light här nedan!