tisdag 28 september 2021

Musikminne från Taylor Ingred

Amerikanska Taylor Ingred släppte sin debut-EP Table Talk den 24 september. EP:n består av fem låtar i gränslandet mellan indiepop och skön elektronisk musik. Idag gästar Taylor för att berätta om ett musikminne, kopplat till en av låtarna på EP:n; Wish I Didn't Care!

Wish I Didn’t Care wasn’t even originally supposed to be on my EP! All 4 of the other songs were produced and I had a fifth song that I just wasn’t that excited about anymore. I went home and thought maybe I would spend some time with it, rewrite it a LITTLE bit, but I ended up rewriting the song completely! 

At the time I was really processing some friendships where I felt like I was giving and giving and not receiving anything in return. I think everyone has had those friendships. I am a loyalist almost to a fault, so I was really trying to figure out what to do about those friendships and the phrase kept coming to my mind “Wow, I wish I just didn’t care”. 

The song was really built around that idea, and all the other things in life that I put so much of my energy into and care so much about that just don’t matter. About how it would just be easier if we moved on with our lives… That’s Wish I Didn’t Care. It wasn’t supposed to be on the EP, and now it is one of my favorite songs on the EP.

/ Taylor Ingred

Lyssna på Wish I Didn't Care här nedan!