söndag 27 november 2022

Musikminne från Juliana Eye

Juliana Eye, som bor i Toronto, släpper sin debut-EP nästa år. Senaste singeln heter Late to the party där Juliana är öppen i texten om hur social ångest påverkar hennes förmåga att socialisera. Hon sjunger starkt och öppet, låten bär på en filmisk atmosfär och körerna är fantastiska. Julianas röst bär det tunga ämnet starkt och även om det är ett ämne som det ofta är tyst om så tror jag att vi är många som kan känna igen sig. Idag gästar Juliana bloggen för att dela med sig av ett musikminne, kopplat till No Doubt!

I come from a fairly big Italian family, and growing up we’d often visit my grandparents and extended cousins on weekends. When I was around 10 years old I remember really starting to get into music beyond listening to what was just on the radio, so when I would go to see my older cousins I would always raid their CD collection. During one of those visits, I popped No Doubt’s Tragic Kingdom into the CD player and it completely changed my life. 

That record hit me right in the gut, on so many levels. I immediately identified with Gwen as this alternative, quirky but cute, rock star chick. Her persona was so refreshing to me, and I remember I wanted to be just like her. So many songs on that album became a favourite of mine at different times. Spiderwebs was the first. I used to love singing it because the vocals were so fast paced and energetic. Then it was Just a Girl which quickly became my anthem for so many years (still kinda is). Don’t Speak, which is still one of the most beautiful songs I’ve ever heard, etc. etc. 

When I was in highschool and I started performing in bands, I always had No Doubt in the back of my head. They were also a big reason why I loved playing in bands in the first place. I always loved how energetic their performances were, and how tight they were as musicians but also as friends. I always wanted to emulate that in some way. Unfortunately I never got to see them play live, but I completely wore out my DVD copies of Live in the Tragic Kingdom and the Rock Steady tour. I used to watch those concerts every single night after school, for months. They would hype me up so much that I wouldn’t be able to sleep. 

Even now, I have little moments when I’m singing, that I’ll hear bits of Gwen’s influence come out, or when planning live shows I’ll use those ND concerts as blueprints for my own. I love that it really connects me back to those early memories of why I love making music in the first place.

/ Juliana Eye 

Lyssna på Late to the party här nedan!