söndag 9 januari 2022

Musikminne från Nicole Haber

Nicole Haber från Toronto släppte i slutet på december den melodiösa och catchiga singeln How did we get here. Den följde upp den fina singeln Took it too far. Nicole debuterade 2018 då bland annat EP:n Vibes släpptes. Sen dess har det blivit en hel del singlar och blandningen av electro och pop lär få många att vilja dansa nätterna igenom. Idag gästar Nicole bloggen för att berätta om ett musikminne!

I’ve been in and out of many studios throughout my time as a musician, and have worked with a lot of different producers and writers over the years. There’s always so many different personalities you encounter in a music setting. Every moment that I'm in a studio tends to be memorable in its own way, but working on How Did We Get Here with Mike Tompa was one of the most memorable. 

A lot of people don't know this about me, but I'm shy. When I'm in settings with new people I tend to be a little over-the-top to overcompensate for my awkwardness. So anytime I go to meet a new producer or co-writer or musician, I find myself in this awkward state of what am I doing / who am I? I remember feeling really nervous when I met Mike for our first session, but we ended up talking for almost 2-4 hours before we even came up with a single idea. 

What was interesting to me was during this 2-4-hour period, We shared a lot of our life stories with each other. I learned more about Mike in those two hours that I'd known about some of my closest friends. I was telling him about my musical upbringing and all of the stages in my life that brought me to where I was at that moment, and he told me a bunch of his stories. Which I might add, were some of the most interesting stories that I've ever heard. It seemed like the guy lived in a freaking movie, I swear to god, it was crazy. I was really interested in our conversations. Needless to say we didn't get much writing done on our first session. We came up with a really simple instrumental line and I ended up taking that home and working on the lyrics by myself. 

When I got home that night, I felt this surge of energy and inspiration. I ended up writing the whole song that night and it was all about the conversations we had in those few hours. I never had a song come so naturally before. The lyrics just flew out of me as if it was something I needed to say for a long time. It was honest, it was raw, and it was a perfect reflection on how I felt my life was going. When I brought the song in to show Mike on our next session, I think we both felt refreshed on how simple and innocent the song was. It was just very true to our personal stories. The concept of not being exactly where you thought you would be, but being content with where you're at is something that I don't think a lot of us appreciate enough. We always just look down on it, instead of accepting it and embracing it. 

All I knew was that after that, we started every single session with about an hour or two of just talking and getting to know each other more before we started making the music. It really helped grow How Did We Get Here and made it become this beautiful song full of nostalgia, freedom, and good times. These themes were also a huge influence on the visuals and branding for the track's release. It was an experience that I don’t think I’ll ever forget. That was well over a year ago now and now that the song's finally out I feel like I'm living that experience all over again, and it's magical.

/ Nicole Haber 

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